Are You Ready For Home Ownership?

Have you gotten tired of making your landlord rich while holding your own financial future back just to be a renter?

Would you like to be able to call the shots when it comes to how you decorate your home?

Don’t you want to feel the pride of being a homeowner in one of the most desirable cities in the United States?

The time has finally come for you to take the next big step in your life and buy your first home in Tampa!

Guess what?!

We couldn’t be more excited for you because the conditions of the Tampa Bay real estate market are fantastic for you as a first-time homebuyer. Not only are there many different types of properties available for you to choose from but prices are making it more possible to buy a home with confidence in more than a decade. 

However, we know that as exciting as it is that you are ready to become a homeowner in Tampa, you are probably filled with some unanswered questions preventing you from moving forward. Not to worry because we are tackling some of those big questions for you below and we are always here to answer anything else you may be wondering about offline. 


What Are The First Steps To Buying A Home In Tampa?

The very first thing that we need to do even BEFORE you start looking for homes is to find out exactly how much home you can afford. We will do this by aligning you with one of our trusted lenders to fill out a mortgage application and get you pre-approved. Becoming pre-approved is necessary because it not only sets the budget but it shows sellers that you are serious and will prevent you from falling in love with a home you can’t buy. 

Once we get you through the pre-approval process we can start to talk about what your priorities are in your search for your first home in Tampa. While it is not always possible to get everything on your checklist in one property, we always strive to meet as many of your goals as possible while staying within your price range so you are comfortable with your monthly payments. With more than a decade selling real estate in Tampa, you can trust that we are fully immersed in the pulse of the market and know where to go to get you the house of your dreams then get to work to negotiate the best price and terms for you.


What Will It Cost To Hire A Tampa Realtor?

When you buy your first home with us it won’t cost you a penny to have us work for you! In fact, it will never cost you to hire us to help you buy a home. This is because it is the seller’s responsibility to pay the commission for both our services and for their Realtor, if they have hired one. 

Sadly, many people fail to hire a Realtor to help them buy a house thinking it will cost too much. However, the truth is that buying a house without representation to handle the paperwork, schedule all the vendors like a home inspector, and negotiate the best terms against the seller’s side winds up costing far more in time, frustration, and sales price. 


What Happens When We Find A Home I Love In Tampa?

Although it is thrilling to find and fall in love with a home in Tampa, we want to caution you to try and keep your emotions under control. Finding the perfect property is just the beginning. From that point, we still have to submit an offer, have it accepted by the seller, and make it through escrow to the closing table. It is not uncommon for hurdles to present themselves during the escrow process but when you hire us to represent you, you can rely on our experience and expertise to protect you and get you to the closing table with ease. We will be there every step of the way from the negotiations, to the inspections and repairs, and even after we hand you the keys to your new home.  

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